Does it seem like your hearing aid batteries drain way too fast? There are numerous reasons why this may be occurring that might be surprising. So how far should the charge on my hearing aid battery go? The typical hearing aid battery lasts anywhere from 3 to 7 days. That’s a really wide range. So […]
In conversation with friends, you like to be polite. You want your customers, colleagues, and boss to see that you’re completely involved when you’re at work. You frequently find yourself asking family to repeat themselves because it was less difficult to tune out parts of the conversation that you weren’t able to hear very well. […]
You’re having a Zoom call with your granddaughter and you’ve been looking forward to it all week! You’ll have a blast and catch-up with your beloved family members. But when the call starts, you are mortified to realize, you can’t hear what your loved ones are saying. You’re wearing your hearing aids but you still […]
Do you hear a crackling noise? A condition called tinnitus can cause you to hear crackling, buzzing, whooshing, or other noises in your ears. Here’s some info. Do you hear phantom noises like thumping, ringing, or buzzing in your ears? If you use hearing aids, it may mean that they need adjustment or aren’t correctly […]
As we age we begin to have difficulty hearing clearly and we usually just accept it as a normal part of the aging process. Perhaps we need to ask people to speak up or repeat themselves when they talk. Maybe the volume on our TV keeps going up. We might even discover that we’re becoming […]
You completely forgot your hearing test tomorrow, but that’s not very surprising, you’re very busy. It’s a good thing we sent you a reminder text so you should have time to prepare. So what should I do to get ready? Hearing exams aren’t like those days in college or high school where you’d have to […]
You’ve got an active summer planned. Plenty of beach time and lots of swimming no doubt. You’ll do some day-to-day running and then maybe attend a baseball game or two before going home and grilling up some delicious dinner. You’re going to be busy! So it’s crucial that your hearing aids are prepared. Summer activities […]
Don’t take your eyes off the road. While this may be sound advice, what about your other senses? For example, consider the amount of work your ears are doing while driving. You’re using your ears to engage with other people in your vehicle, call your attention to important info coming up on your dashboard, and […]
When is it time to have your hearing checked? You need a hearing exam if you have any of these four warning signs. I guess my TV is frequently turned up to the point where my kids recently complained. And guess what I said. I said, “What”? It was humorous. Because it was a joke. […]
You have a ringing in your ears and it’s not getting any better, if anything it’s getting worse. At first, you could hardly hear it. But you’ve noticed how loud and constant the tinnitus noises have become after a full day on the job at a construction site. These noises can take many forms, such […]