Hearing loss is well recognized to be a process that develops gradually. It can be quite subtle for this very reason. Your hearing doesn’t get worse in giant leaps but rather in tiny steps. And that can make the progressive decline in your ears difficult to keep track of, especially if you aren’t looking for […]
Pain is your body’s means of delivering information. It’s an effective strategy though not a really enjoyable one. When that megaphone you’re standing next to gets too loud, the pain lets you know that severe ear damage is occurring and you instantly (if you’re wise) cover your ears or remove yourself from that rather loud […]
If you get a cut, that cut will heal. If you stub your toe, it may feel bruised and swollen but the inflammation will subside, and you’ll feel better in a little while. Even if you break a bone, when correctly set, it will heal. But what if you lose your hearing? Is it possible […]
An estimated 50% of people 75 or over have some type of hearing loss and that’s why most people consider it an issue for older people. But studies show that younger people are at risk for hearing loss – and, alarmingly, they’re losing their hearing despite the fact that it’s completely preventable. In fact, 34% […]
Who doesn’t enjoy getting a good bargain? But when it comes to your health, be careful what you buy and keep your eye on the little details. We know, it can be confusing, the names are pretty similar, but hearing aids and hearing amplifiers are not equivalent. And your overall hearing and health could suffer […]
Even if you use glasses (the type you put on your face, not the kind you fill with liquid), you still visit your eye doctor annually, right? Because your eyes change as time passes. Like the rest of your body, your eyes aren’t fixed and neither are your ears. That’s why, much like your eyes, […]
Over the last several decades the public perception of cannabinoids and marijuana has transformed significantly. Many states now allow the use of marijuana, THC, or cannabinoid products for medicinal purposes. The idea that some states (fewer) even allow the recreational usage of pot would have been hard to imagine a decade ago. Any substances produced […]
No one’s really sure what causes Meniere’s disease. But the effects are hard to ignore. Ringing in the ears, dizziness, vertigo, and hearing loss are all typical symptoms of this disorder. Symptoms of Meniere’s disease seem to come from a buildup of fluid in the inner ear, but researchers aren’t really sure what causes that […]
It just feels good to find a bargain, right? It can be exhilarating when you’ve received a great deal on something, and the bigger discount, the more pleased you are. So letting your coupon make your shopping decisions for you, always chasing after the least expensive items, is all too easy. When it comes to […]
It’s true, hearing loss can sneak up on you. But occasionally, hearing problems bypass the sneaking completely, in favor of a sudden (and often startling), cat-like pounce. It could happen like this: you get up, pull yourself out of bed, and maybe you don’t notice until you finish showering but your hearing feels…off, or different […]