If you’ve ever been at a concert and found yourself thinking “This music is simply too loud,” it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve gotten too old for this type of entertainment. It could imply that your body is trying to tell you something – that you are in a place that could impair your ability […]
There is no simple answer to the question “Which type of hearing aid battery should I buy?” because hearing aid types and the batteries they operate on common in many varieties. For anyone that already wears a hearing aid the owner’s manual should clearly specify which battery size is required. Conversely you may get in […]
Identifying Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) is hard for several reasons. The condition isn’t because the youngsters cannot hear words and phrases being spoken to them, but because their brains lack the ability to process the words and comprehend their meaning, which implies that conventional hearing tests do not always identify CAPD. Second, children with […]
One of the most common reasons for temporary hearing loss is a build up of ear wax, which obstructs the ear canal and interferes with hearing. Clearly, if you have encountered this or believe that a buildup of ear wax might be causing some diminished hearing, you want to clean out your ears. Although this […]
As children, many of us were most likely advised to eat our carrots for better eye sight. Chances are that you were not given any comparable suggestions about what foods were healthy for your hearing or ears. Kids now can be taught what to eat for healthy hearing; sensible advice that we should all abide […]
Eardrums are vital, playing two vitally important roles in hearing. First of all they vibrate when sound waves hit them. Second they provide a barrier that safeguards the inner ear from infection. Whenever your eardrum is intact, your inner ear is essentially a protected and sterile environment; but once it has been perforated or torn, […]
Could your work be contributing to your hearing loss? Extreme noise levels are one of the most frequent reasons for hearing damage. For those who work in one of the following high-noise professions, you have cause to be concerned about your hearing.An estimated 30 million workers risk unsafe noise exposure at work according to the […]
Comparing hearing aids can be difficult if you’re unfamiliar with the large number of acronyms commonly used to identify popular types. The following list includes the vast majority of the acronyms you will run into when looking into hearing aids and presents a short description of each one. The most effective way to really understand […]
Vertigo – the perception of movement in which the individual or the individual’s surroundings appear to spin and move – is, typically an undesirable event. The feelings of vertigo sometimes include spinning or falling sensations and dizziness. When vertigo impacts balance, it can lead to falls and injuries – particularly in the elderly. More extreme […]
If you have kids, at some point they will ask you to buy them headphones that they can use with their music players, computers, and gaming systems. Headphones can enhance children’s experience with these entertainment and learning media, but there are some characteristics you should look for when shopping for these headphones. The first consideration […]